If you have ever wanted to write back to one of those idiots that write dumb letters to the editor, don't worry about it, we'll do it for you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow Plowing Option

The Town of Cary and the state did a wonderful job of clearing the main roads. Thanks to both for doing a wonderful job in such a short time. I was out and about Sunday afternoon and the main roads were in great shape.

By now (Wednesday) we are all wondering where are the streets that are causing all of Wake County schools to close, as they are not in my area. If they are in your area, I have an idea. If you remember seeing snow still on your neighborhood streets as of Monday night, please contact your homeowners' association and lobby to have a line item added to your budget to have the snow promptly removed next time. Remember the areas that are problem spots and make sure they are plowed next time by whomever you contract with!

Julea Danielson



Shut the fuck up. Go back into your gated community. Pack your bags. Go to the airport (the one that has been there for fifty years, long before you moved to Cary and started complaining about it) and get on an airplane. The people up north, where you are obviously from, know how to deal with snow and once you are there you won't have this problem anymore.

Additionally, once you are gone, I won't have to read anything your dumb ass decides to write. You do realize that the N&O only published your letter because you are so clueless, right? When you show the letter to all your friends at Starbucks today, I will bet you a hundred bucks the only ones that don't laugh in your face are also from somewhere to the north.

Please, don't be misled into thinking this is a "hate the yankees" kind of thing. It isn't. It is a "hate the dumb yankees" kind of thing.


  1. Hating Yankees is a great band name.

  2. Perhaps Julea should have thought twice about allowing herself to become impregnated.

  3. maybe next time it snows julea can plow the less fortunate neighborhoods with her horse face

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Dear Undersexed Cary Housewife,

    Not everyone in Wake County lives in gated communities with homeowners associations. God forbid you spend some extra time with your vaginal seed in your parvenu Cary McMansion.

    Please leave the state, you self-entitled bitch.

    p.s. Maybe if you took the time to actually pay your property taxes the county would have enough resources to plow those roads.


  6. Half of what I say is meaningless
    But I say it just to reach you,

    Julea, Julea, oceanchild, calls me
    So I sing a song of love, Julea
    Julea, seashell eyes, windy smile, calls me
    So I sing a song of love, Julea

    Her hair of floating sky is shimmering, glimmering,
    In the sun

    Julea, Julea, morning moon, touch me
    So I sing a song of love, Julea

    When I cannot sing my heart
    I can only speak my mind, Julea

    Julea, sleeping sand, silent cloud, touch me
    So I sing a song of love, Julea
    Hum hum hum...calls me
    So I sing a song of love for Julea, Julea, Julea

  7. Ha,ha,ha! I remember back in the big 20" snow of '00 and I was renting a place in Cary. All of the streets were clear and dry in a couple of days while US 64 and I-40 were still barely passable without 4WD, which most people in Cary had anyway. This is why, when it came time to buy, I never considered anywhere else. Suck it, troglodytes! Save your pennies and one day you may be able to move out of the shadows of the BB&T and RBC buildings.

  8. Out here in Hickory we've had trouble clearing snow when it happens. The snow plows are part of the ongoing budgetary problems in Hickory.

  9. I think 'Julea' was misspelled by the N&O. I believe the correct spelling is 'insolent bitch'

