If you have ever wanted to write back to one of those idiots that write dumb letters to the editor, don't worry about it, we'll do it for you.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Kind of Humor

The best two laughs derived from your paper are "Mallard Fillmore's" humorous jabs and the letters from liberals who can't stand being exposed for their actions by a duck. One letter-writer ("Not so funny," Feb. 6) claims the comic espouses Republican views and belongs with "Doonesbury's" serial fictitious plot lines.

Sorry to tell liberals this, but those are not Republican views. They are clever strips pointing out all the stupid things liberals say and do consistently. They should either expand their obvious lack of humor or realize the country is catching back up to their "It's somebody else's fault" rationalizations. Quack quack, folks!

Al Slaughter


Dear Al,

Wow, now that is an original letter. Or, at least, it was the first time I read it. The next forty times, including yours, it just didn't carry the same impact. The only twist you threw in was the poorly thought out claim that "these aren't Republican views." Yeah, right.

By the way, you stupid fucking letter to the editor recycling fuckhead, you're still reading and supporting the N&O, so I guess those terrible liberals are getting the last laugh on you.

1 comment:

  1. You know who else would love Mallard Fillmore's humorous jabs?


