If you have ever wanted to write back to one of those idiots that write dumb letters to the editor, don't worry about it, we'll do it for you.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The End Result N&O 2/3

John Edwards, the poster boy for his political party, had the solution: "Get an abortion!" After all, it's only a fetus, right?

She didn't, and the child is a precious, beautiful human being! Case closed.

Bob Petrolino "

Dear Bob,

What the fuck are you talking about? What case? The case of the incredible douchebag that just wants to bitch about liberals? Look, there is plenty to bitch about when you talk about John Edwards. You don't have to dig very deep. However, if you want to look like an asshole, then dig where there is no treasure, like you did. There was no abortion. Had there been, you might have a point, as it is, you just look like a whiny douchebag and now more people than your wife and your neighbor (who is oh so fucking tired of hearing about fetuses, by the way) know about it.

Next time, just turn to the funnies, read Mallard Fillmore and fight the urge to write the editor until it fades away.


  1. but mr. ranter,

    a fetus is such a wonderful thing. it has so much to learn as soon as it escapes the clap trap. you can take it fishing. at least it's use to the fish smell.

  2. Have you seen either of my 2 dead fetuses?


    Blitzer's Ex

  3. 'Fetus don't fail me now'

    -John Edwards on ongoing stem cell research

  4. He also did Reille up her well-traveled dukey chute and she shat out a baby trial lawyer. Too bad she flushed it down the John.

