If you have ever wanted to write back to one of those idiots that write dumb letters to the editor, don't worry about it, we'll do it for you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Desperation Pick

Regarding "Uncovered cover girl is primed for a career kick" (Feb. 10): Did McClatchy make you do it? To give such front-page play to a woman who poses in a bikini, her life's dream even, for a national magazine? You folks have any daughters? Anyone in the newsroom raise any girls through their teenage years?

The byline was from the Charlotte Observer and maybe it was a slow news day. Best of luck next time.

John Valentine,


Dear John,

I'm betting this is not the first letter you've received that starts out "Dear John." After reading your letter I rushed out to the recycling bin to check out the article you were bitching about. Damn, it's just about a woman in a bikini. No pictures of smoothly shaved beaver. No lesbians fondling each other. Nothing but... a woman in a bikini.

Hey, you repressed fuckwad, shut the fuck up and save your self-righteous indignation for something that ACTUALLY HARMS the daughters and teenage girls you are so worried about. Either that, or move somewhere that forces people to wear burkhas. Oh no, that wouldn't work, because in those societies women ARE harmed and aren't allowed to freely choose. Well, my dear John, whatever you choose, keep it to yourself and don't let any editors know, please.

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