If you have ever wanted to write back to one of those idiots that write dumb letters to the editor, don't worry about it, we'll do it for you.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nice Place to Visit

I chuckled ruefully over the Feb. 6 op-ed piece by Daryl Lease ("Say hey to North Georgia") about South Carolina. The author claims not to have lived there, but he does have insights. I lived roughly a third of my life there, and the place remains an enigma.

[Blahblahblah for a couple of more paragraphs]

Jordan McClung



No one actually "chuckles ruefully." Just like no one really rolls on the floor laughing their ass off. If you want to be take seriously, don't start your letter with some incredibly stupid purple prose that sounds more at home in a Harlequin Romance. I'm pretty sure that if anyone finished your letter, they had the same reason that I did: we wanted to see if you could write something that trite twice in one letter. Here is a hint for your next letter, should you ever be so stupid as to try it again- read it out loud, and if something sounds as fucking stupid as "chuckled ruefully," then edit the damn thing before you send it off.

1 comment:

  1. I was so shocked when I read this post that I literally jumped out of my own skin! How dare you sir!

